When to upgrade to a new computer: 5 signs to look for

Two colleagues smiling and drinking coffee, at peace knowing their computers have a full IT support service

Computer running slower than you’d like? Noisy fan? Can’t run a Zoom call at work whilst playing solitaire in the background? It might be time to treat yourself to a new computer!

There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to be productive at work whilst your computer or laptop is slowing you down. But with the cost of living crisis affecting home and business life alike, it’s in every business’ interest to save cash where possible. Buying a new computer may not seem to be at the top of the priority list.

Replacing your business computers can be costly. So it’s important to make sure you’re making the decision at the right time. However, holding on to old computers and laptops for too long can actually end up costing you the same (if not more) than replacing them!

We recommend replacing a machine that is 3-5 years old. Not only will you save money on running an old machine, but you will ensure that your computer’s security is robust for your business.

Plus, you can get cash back for your computers if you send them to specialist recycling companies. They will even come and collect them from your office!

How to spot a machine that needs replacing

Let’s take a look at some of the warning signs that your computer or laptop needs replacing.

1. You can’t run multiple apps or programmes at once

It’s like we said, if you can’t play solitaire in your work calls, then what is life? Jokes aside, having issues with multitasking means that your computer is likely having RAM issues. RAM is your computer’s memory, and if there isn’t enough of it to keep up then things will run very slowly. You could be experiencing issues switching between applications and programmes, or even internet browser tabs.

2. Your computer or laptop’s fans are loud

Is that a plane taking off? Oh, no. It’s just your computer’s fan. And all you did was open Microsoft Word! If your computer’s usual operating system or applications are causing your device to overheat, it means the hardware is working much harder than it should be. Time to look at buying a new computer!

3. It takes a long time to start-up or shut down

Do you go and make a cup of tea when you start-up, shut down or restart your computer or laptop? It should take seconds to do any of these things on a working, efficient device. You’re probably also having problems with slowness across your device in general. What a way to kill a great workflow!

4. You can’t run updates

Not running updates can leave your device susceptible to cyberattacks and put you in a sticky situation where support isn’t available for old software. If you have a great IT team, they will be consistently telling you how important updates are (that’s what we do)! They can also, of course, help you with buying a new computer.

5. Problems upgrading hardware

You might be thinking that you can upgrade parts of your older device’s hardware. Things like the battery, or the RAM. Unfortunately, you might encounter compatibility issues if you try to put new parts in a old machine. ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,’ as the saying goes!

So, what’s next?

It’s always a good idea to consult your IT team before making any big tech decisions – or purchases! It can be expensive to buy one new device, let alone upgrading your entire business set up. And that’s where we come in! Pick up the phone for a friendly chat and some free, friendly IT guidance.

Want someone to take care of your devices?

We can help! We offer Managed IT services to keep your business tech running at 100% efficiency.

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